Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Buckeye Biscuits

EZ Buckeye Biscuits

Only 4 ingredients! Crunchy on the outside and fluffy on the inside! These are so easy to make it should be outlawed! Try this with my Sausage Gravy for an awesome breakfast. This makes about 8 large biscuits.


  • 2 c. Self-Rising Flower (or 2 c. all-purpose flour with 2 1/2 t. baking powder)
  • 1/2 c. (8 T.) Butter Flavored Shortening
  • 1 T. white sugar (or Sugar Sub)
  • 3/4 C. Buttermilk (or buttermilk sub. - 1 c. milk and 1 T white vinegar)
optional seasonings:
dash of garlic
dash of black pepper
small dash of cayenne or red pepper
dash of cumin


If making buttermilk substitute mix in a cup or small bowl and let stand.

In a medium sized mixing bowl:

  1. Cut shortening into flour till grainy texture with pastry cutter (or fork or 2 knives).
  2. Add Sugar and Salt and mix thoroughly.
  3. With a large spoon mix in buttermilk, but only stir enough to mix ingredients thoroughly.
  4. Do Not Over Knead or mix the Dough!!

Dough should be slightly sticky and separate from the sides of the bowl and start wrapping around your stir utensil, but not 'gloppy' add more flour if necessary. If it is to dry like bread dough, add a tablespoon or less of milk. try not to mix more than absolutely necessary. over mixing causes tough biscuits.


Drop Biscuits:
Drop biscuits into very lightly greased pan by the heaping tablespoon about 3/4 inch apart. Try to imagine about 1/4 cup per biscuit.
Bake At 350-375 till golden on the bottom and slightly brown on the top - or a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
Butter Biscuits: (or sandwich style)
Lightly sprinkle flour on a large cutting board, and roll out dough about 3/4 to 1 inch inch thick.
Cut out biscuits with wide mouth mason jar or similar sized pastry or cookie cutter. Do not twist the cutter when cutting the dough.
Lightly grease pan with butter, pam, or margarine and place biscuits in pan about 1 inch apart.
Melt some butter and baste the tops of the biscuits with melted butter. You can skip this step till the biscuits are done if you wish. Or just spray a squirt of PAM directly on top of each biscuit...
Bake At 350-375 till slightly golden brown tops or a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
Remove (and baste with butter if you haven't done so already).

Disclaimer: All recipes on my blog are created by me through experimentation and trial and error. I can make no guarantee as to how the end result will turn out for you. They may not be copied or printed for any reason without permission. You may use this recipe for your own personal use only!

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